ITS Nigeria is the common name for ITS Technology Network; an organization registered under the laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria as a company limited by guarantee. We are a not-for-profit public/private sector association financed by members’ subscriptions and we provide a forum for all organisations interested in ITS with the aim of promoting the benefits and adoption of Intelligent Transport Systems in Nigeria. We are affiliated to The Network of National ITS associations; the umbrella international organization representing the interest of ITS industry and players worldwide. Furthermore, we have memorandum of understanding in place with individual ITS organizations in America, Australia, Europe and Asia to foster progress and to open up international partnerships, knowledge sharing, markets and other opportunities to our Nigeria membership base.
Our local membership base is drawn from both public and private sector organizations with an interest in different areas of transportation. Specifically, within ITS Nigeria membership we have government institutions at federal, state and local government levels, research and academic institutes, Consultancies, IT Companies, Manufacturing companies, service providers, Telecom companies, systems integrators, transport operators and other organizations with interest in transport.
Members benefit from ITS Nigeria’s activities including local and international seminars, workshops and regular news dissemination including procurement opportunities. ITS Nigeria encourages discussion on issues such as public/private co-operation, standards, legislation, information provision and new technology.
We work to bring the benefits that ITS can offer in terms of economic efficiency, transport safety, and environmental benefits to Nigeria while also working towards the growth and expansion of the local ITS market.