- Join your organisation’s voice to those working to raise the profile of ITS with Government and other decision makers. We work to bring the benefits that ITS can offer in terms of economic efficiency, transport safety, and environmental benefits to Nigeria – and at the same time expand your (ITS) market.
- We are Nigeria’s only Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) organization affiliated to the global Network of ITS associations, where you can meet and develop valuable business relationships whether locally or internationally.
- We are an Information Exchange broker through our events, publications and weekly email updates. You may even get to know about ITS procurement opportunities through us.
- You will have the opportunity to join in any of the ITS Nigeria’s Task Forces and Interest Groups such as Public Transport, Local Authority/Urban ITS, Government Consultation, Automotive User, Communications, Inclusive Mobility, Women in ITS, Electric Vehicle Infrastructure, Carbon Reduction and Road User Charging. New Groups are set up as members direct.
A special relationship with ERTICO (ITS Europe), Network of World ITS associations and other national ITS bodies around the world with whom we have memorandum of understanding in place. Thus ITS Nigeria Secretariat offers a unique and easy route to international contacts and business opportunities.