Zulum releases 80 vehicles to ease the high cost of transportation in the State

On Tuesday, Gov. Babagana Zulum of Borno released 80 vehicles to ease the high cost of transportation for farmers caused by the withdrawal of subsidy.

A statement in Maiduguri by Special Adviser on Media and Strategy, Mallam Isa Gusau, said the vehicle compressed 50 buses and 30 pick-up vans to convey farmers to their farms for free.

To reduce the high cost of living caused by the withdrawal of fuel subsidies, Gov Babagana Umara Zulum, on Tuesday, released 80 buses and pick-up vans for free transportation of farmers.

“The 80 means of transport will comprise 50 luxurious buses to be allocated from the fleet of the Borno Express Corporation, while the state government will hire the 30 pick-up vans.

“Due to the removal of fuel subsidy which although has a long-term benefit, cost of transportation has increased.

“Therefore, Borno State Government has decided to provide 50 buses and 30 pick-up vans to convey farmers to their farmlands this rainy season,” Gusau quoted Zulum as saying.

The governor also addressed farmers along Maiduguri – Damboa road, urging them to cooperate with the military and other security agencies deployed along the route to protect them.

He also expressed gratitude to the military and other security agencies for their sacrifices in protecting the people.

Source: Pulse.ng

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