We are more than ready for international operations —Air Peace

Nigeria’s West Africa’s biggest carrier, Air Peace, has confirmed its membership of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) clearing house, even as it boasted of adequate capacity through the aircraft in its fleet and the well-trained personnel it has to operate international flights.

Spokesman of the airline, Stanley Olisa, made the declaration to counter the insinuation that emanated in a recent interview granted by a stakeholder in the sector that Nigerian airlines cannot succeed in international operation because they are not in the IATA clearing house.

Olisa described the notion which he attributed to a stakeholder in the sector as an expression of ignorance.

Responding to the stakeholder, Olisa remarked: “he spoke authoritatively about how Nigerian airlines are going to fail, as he is wont to do, always predicting how Nigerian carriers are going to fail and how he has the magic wand to stop the failure if he is consulted. But he does not know that Air Peace is in the IATA clearing house.”

According to Olisa, Air Peace has what it takes to succeed on international routes and has forged strategic foreign operational alliances to sustain its overseas operations.

He took a swipe at the unnamed stakeholder for lauding a fellow airline because the airline has indicated its interest in operating regional service while talking down on Air Peace, an attempt Olisa described as the “old strategy to pit Nigerian airlines against one another, which in recent times has failed woefully because the airlines have realized that some of those who strut around as industry experts waiting to be consulted do not mean well for the airlines.

“We are not in the business of prosecuting campaigns of calumny on other airlines but for the so-called expert to gloss over Air Peace, the only Nigerian airline operating regional and international flights for over six years is not only unfair but is reflective of those old games that have stopped working”.

Speaking on the notion that the point-to-point operational model does not allow Nigerian airlines to succeed on international routes, Olisa said:

“We agree with him that the model has its limitations but he failed to add or realize that Nigeria does not have transit facilities at international airports. Air Peace operates connecting flights such as Lagos-Banjul-Dakar and Lagos-Accra-Monrovia. Besides, Nigerian airlines are pushing that the Nigerian Immigration Service should recognize transit passengers and not insist that they obtain Nigerian visa before connecting their flight. We hope that things will change when transit facility is built at out airports and the Nigerian Immigration Service is on the same page with us about transit passengers. That is even when we would be ready to benefit from Single African Air Transport Market (SAATM).

“We expected the stakeholder to comment on the myriad of challenges confronting Nigerian airlines instead of indirectly castigating Air Peace, the largest carrier in Nigeria operating about 3000 flights monthly, a figure that is higher than the total number of flights operated by all the other Nigerian airlines put together”.

On the issue of flight disruptions, the Air Peace spokesperson said that it is not enough to blame the airlines for the delays and cancellations; noting that he should have also critically dwelt on the issues that engender these disruptions while emphasizing that no airline deliberately delays flights or takes delight in canceling flights.

His words:

“Every airline wants to record a high percentage of on-time performance but there are several factors that cause flight disruptions beyond the control of the airlines. The Nigeria Meteorological Agency (NIMET) has just announced harmattan haze in the northern part of the country. This obviously will disrupt flights and soon it will come down to the south. Airlines suffer delays due to VIP movement; aircraft are grounded due to bird strike. All these in addition to other factors beyond the airlines cause flight delays and as an “expert” in the industry who has put in many years in the sector, he should know better than pushing the blame on the airlines.

“We advise that the so-called aviation expert should be fair when opinionating on industry issues and refrain from making Air Peace, or any other Nigerian airline, look unserious and foredoomed. He should avoid vindictive sentiments and channel his energy into offering key insights that can help move the country’s aviation industry forward for the good of all”.

Source: Nigerian Tribune

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